It wasn't raining when Noah began building the ark. . .
In fact, Noah didn't know rain at all.
But. . .God told him to build an ark. . .
and Noah did. . .
When the time came. . .and all the animals and family were inside. . .
GOD sealed the door and SHELTERED THEM IN PLACE. . .
where they remained SAFE throughout the storm. . .
Then GOD kept His promise. . .
The day came when the rain ceased and the land became dry.
Noah and his family and all the animals
left the shelter in good health and with much thanks. . .
and they realized how BLESSED they were
to have a LOVING FATHER who brought them through the worst storm of their lives. . .
So, too, in the present-day viral storm we face. . .
I'm certain old Noah would advise. . .
TRUST IN GOD to see you through. . .
STAY SAFE in HIS loving hands.
For this, too, will pass one day. . .
When the rains of an invisible enemy will cease. . .
and its power will run dry. . .
When we, like Noah, can give THANKS for God's shelter
through an awful storm. . .

1 comment:
Lovely post! Thank you! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
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