Thursday, June 25, 2020

Summer Snowballs

Bet I got your attention. . .
On my morning stroll down Main Street. . .
what a smile these amazing bushes put on my face. . .

I'm not sure what the official name is for these beautiful flowers. . .
but as a child growing up with a green-thumbed Grandmother. . .
who had bushes like these all over her yard,
 we called them "SUMMER SNOWBALLS". . . 

Which brings me to another memory. . .
I loved Snow Cream so much in the winter that this same Grandmother
made big batches and froze it for my afternoon treat during the hot summer. . .

So. . .thank you, 28 South Main. . . for bringing back good memories. . .
with your amazing "Snowballs". . .

In Ste. Genevieve, you never know what is just around the corner.

1 comment:

The Farmers Daughter said...

Sassafras Creek Originals is open Thursday-Saturday. Check out the amazing log house being built.