Monday, October 8, 2018

On the Other End of Main Street

My walks to South Main are always a treat. . .Most of the houses open to the public are in this area, among an eclectic array of architectural styles. . .Some are privately owned. . .The first time we visited Ste. Genevieve, I was amazed at all the different styles tucked in together. . .French, Anglo-American, Greek Classic, Victorian, Colonial Revival and so many more. . .The oldest one in this photo is the Antoine O'Neille house, located in the center. . .O'Neille was a silversmith who bought the lot in 1810. The house is mentioned on documents by 1820. . .It is undergoing renovation by the Ste. Genevieve Presbyterian Church next door. . 
There are so many towns and communities that think nothing of tearing down these old beauties and building something 'modern.'. . . It thrills my soul that Ste. Genevieve cherishes the legacies left by others. . .