Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Happy Fall Ya'll

Hey, Ya'll! It's Fall. . .Sorry. . .I just had to say that. . .I don't think anyone has slept through that fact. . .because everywhere I turn there are pumpkins. . .squash. . .gold and orange leaves. . .And, you can't deny that it feels like Fall now, too. . .Really cool mornings. . .Short days. . .and lots of wind. . .
But, I had to say "Fall Ya'll". . .because everywhere I go, the people around here comment on my Southern drawl. . .Not too many Southern belles around, I guess?. . .Even though Ste. Genevieve is the oldest permanent French settlement in Missouri, most of the present-day population is of German descent. . .I do comment every now and then that they are the ones with the accent. . .not me. . .Some still speak German. . .I'm really lost then. . .But. . .most just laugh at my comments. . .and tell me how "charming" I am. .
I can't help myself. . .I greet everyone with a "Happy Fall Ya'll". . .and often giggle at their reaction. . .It almost always starts a conversation. . .
Main Street this time of the year is pretty busy with visitors on the weekend. . .Our house sits on a block between two large bed and breakfasts. . .and three eating places. . .with some shopping in between. . .It's a wonderful opportunity to greet everyone as if I'm a local. . .but the minute my first words are spoken. . .they suspect I'm not. ..
Okay. . .I'm not a local. . .To most who are, I will never be one of them. . .not with my accent anyway. . .But, that's fine with me. . .
I've always felt that I was Southern by the Grace of God. . .and I have no desire to change it. . .
Little by little, we are turning our Heil House back to the look of the 18th century. . .I found a big barrel and some wooden shipping crates. . .We masquerade as an old French trading post. . .the owner being Mssr. B. J. La Shay, who in real life is our house cat. . .He greets people with a Southern meow as he suns in the window. . .
If you'll notice. . .John gave the brick a new coat of paint this summer. . .It looks so much better. . .and there's another good thing about decorating for Fall at this house. . .the color scheme of gold and dark red are perfect. . .
Last weekend it was Spook-tacular in Downtown Ste. Gen. . .There were hundreds of costumed children Trick or Treating Saturday afternoon. . .At Sassafras Creek Originals, Kandye greeted them in an 18th century costume but made (by her) of Halloween fabrics. . .She was certainly in the spirit. . .
What fun the entire day was. . .
What fun it is living here in our second home. . .no matter the season. . .and I don't mind making people smile. . .not one bit. . .

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